Introduction :
Jigsaw machine is very useful power tool. Use of right blade, little experience and confidence and most important – right body position, you can do anything with jigsaw machine. You can do a lot of things that are impossible to do on any other power tools. Jigsaw machine is used for cut straight lines, curves, profiles and circle cuts. Jigsaw machine is great for cutting wood, metal and plastic material.
Here I will show you that how to cut perfect circle jig by jigsaw machine. I have created one thing that is used to cut perfect circle jig by jigsaw machine. I have made it from wood. Its design is simple and easy to make. To get some idea about this, see this image.
Material used :
- 12mm Plywood sheet
- Wooden stripe
- Nails
How to make :
First of all measure the base plate dimension of jigsaw machine. Next step is to cut the plywood sheet in L shape like in the image shown.

After cutting of the plywood sheet in its accurate dimension, next step is cut the wooden stripe to attach with this sheet by nails. This stripe is used to hold the jigsaw machine at its position.
Make sure that there should not be any type of gape between stripe and base plate of jigsaw machine, so the jigsaw machine is properly hold on it.
Next step is to drilling small holes on the sheet. The distance between these holes is 1”. These holes are used to cut different diameter of circle jig.
After that I painted it so that its look good. Now it is ready to use for cut the perfect jig circle.
Advantages :
- It is very easy to make.
- Easy to use.
- Less cost.
- Used for Cutting circle jig of different diameter.
- Jigsaw machine is used for cut straight lines, curves, profiles and circle cuts.